Speaker Details


Prof. Dr. Samir Najdi

Prof. Dr. Samir Najdi (Professor, Organic and Organometallic Chemistry) Prof. Samir Najdi is the president of Al Quds Open University in Palestine since January 2022. He is a member of the Palestinian University Presidents. A former Palestinian Higher Education Council member, and Higher Education Reform Experts Committee (HERE) member. Prof. Najdi held administrative positions such as Academic VP and Administrative VP at Al Quds Open Univ., and the Dean of Students at Al Quds Univ. Prof. Najdi earned his BSc in Chemistry from Assuit University (Aswan, Egypt) in 1981, both MSc degree in Organic Chemistry (1984), and PhD degree in Organomettalic Chemistry (1989) were earned from the University of California at Davis, USA. Prof. Najdi Lectured and taught Chemistry courses at UC Davis, and Al Quds University. He received American Fulbright and German DAAD Awards, participated as a consultant in international workshops on Leadership, Innovation, and Transformation held by the International Forum for Social Innovation in (Paris, Barcelona, Saint Lucia, Trinidad, Lima, and Jerusalem). Prof. Najdi is interested in Educational policies, University Governance, Curricula and Methods of Teaching. His research interests have focused on various aspects; his publications in chemistry focused on Solid phase Polymer-Supported Synthesis, Synthesis of Lactose polymers, C 2 Symmetrical molecules which appeared in leading international chemistry journals such as Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS), J. of Organic Chemistry, Tetrahedron, Macromolecules. Prof. Najdi has publications in education on Critical thinking, e-learning, Educational Games, and quality.